Organizations with savvy leadership work to bring unique products and services to the customers they serve. The ultimate goal is to provide quality products and experiences that build brand advocates. To do this successfully, organizations go to great lengths to develop brand strategies that provide
clear differentiation over their competition. However, over time, new competitors appear, and existing competitive companies grow, adding new and often similar products and services. The playing field begins to flatten as once distinct value propositions, now blur in the mind of the customer. It is a that
often occurs slowly over time, and it creates a dangerous and often disastrous space for a brand to live for an extended period.
“Without distinct differentiation, a company becomes lost in a sea of similarity and loses its competitive edge.”
Organizations with a pulse on their brand, recognize the shift and weakening of their positioning in the marketplace, minds of the customers, and can predict the inevitable disconnect by its employees. For companies to maintain a durable and enduring brand, it is essential to periodically run diagnostics on their brand to identify gaps that may exist in brand messaging and shifts in brand behaviors.
With a brand review and reset, it then becomes possible to validate the state of the overall brand platform. Where appropriate, identifying and committing to new messages that deliver a clear and substantial differentiation allows customers to validate buying decisions and become welcomed brand advocates.
If you would like to know more about how our brand building program helps clients refocus their brand and uncover what makes you different than your competition, give us a call at 610-933-5112. We’d love to help
Article by Bill Booth
Founder / President
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